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In Jilin, farmer's dance survives through adaptation

2024-05-06 Beijing loses firefighter during flood rescue China activates highest emergency response level for flooding in Haihe River Basin Scalpers profit from rush to visit top universities Rescued hikers to be fined for entering Guangdong nature reserve Crackdown targets crimes against companies 4 dead, 4 injured after building collapse in Heilongjiang China's civil aviation sector recovers Guangdong's lychee exports up sharply in Q2 Hebei struggles with flooding from rain, typhoon Forbidden City can be at risk of flooding Flood rescue pulls man back from brink of death Rescue teams arrive in Hebei in wake of floods Bear at Hangzhou Zoo goes viral with human-like behavior Tianjin preps for flood peak as rains subside Minister calls for ramped up flood protection efforts in North China's Tianjin relocates 35,000 as rainstorm floods river Black cats get new life at cafe in Wuhan Beijing readies shelters, relocates flood victims Rail services running at full steam halfway through summer In Jilin, farmer's dance survives through adaptation