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NE China's Heilongjiang on rainstorm red alert

2024-05-06 Manufacturers in toy, gift capital bringing innovation to the world's doorstep Exploring city time lines worldwide China's fuel surcharge on air tickets rises In search of common ground Say no to discriminations in job market Light industry running smoothly with strong growth Beijing sees record-breaking rainfall Dongguan, Hong Kong make good pair in trade logistics Shantou wears textile success with pride Nuclear to play key role in energy mix Homegrown players gain more shine on global database stage China paranoia on US campus Report: Consumers keen to buy healthier mooncakes Flooding damages book warehouse park in Zhuozhou From not keeping up to head of the pack Taxes for family policy will hit Japanese economy even harder Flexible power sources to gain traction NE China's Heilongjiang on rainstorm red alert Gold demand in China to pick up as year continues